Medical Cleaning

Medical Offices Cleaning Services in La Grange

In medicine, there’s no room for error. OC Cleaning Services & Disinfecting ensures our medical office’s cleaning services fully comply with the strict guidelines set by the CDC, OSHA, AORN, Joint Commission, and other governing bodies, giving your healthcare space a clean bill of health.

OC Cleaning Services Knows Medical Facilities:

Your Patients Deserve the Cleanest Care - Choose Our Disinfecting System

Your staff and patients’ health is crucial to the smooth operation of your medical facility. That’s why we’ve created a program designed specifically for hospitals, surgical centers, and doctor and dentist offices to provide cleaner, safer environments. How? We use a disinfecting system, which allows us to treat areas and surfaces other cleaning systems can’t reach.

Our disinfectant kills 99.99% of harmful bacteria, is EPA-rated as the safest in its class, won’t cause skin, eye, or respiratory issues, and won’t leave any residue or odor behind. It’s also non-flammable, non-corrosive, and non-staining, and it doesn’t require any safety precautions – giving you peace of mind where it matters most.